secret location

美 [ˈsiːkrət loʊˈkeɪʃn]英 [ˈsiːkrət ləʊˈkeɪʃn]
  • 秘密地点
secret locationsecret location
  1. The gold recovered so far is being held in a vault at a secret location .


  2. Worried that Mr. Lee was angry with us , we tried very hard on our next task --- using the map and compass to find a secret location .


  3. The reporter was taken blindfold to a secret location .


  4. Soldiers have been training at a secret location


  5. They are now at a secret location agreed with social services .


  6. The talks are taking place in a secret location .


  7. He knew nothing about a secret location regarding earth .


  8. What they do like about it is that it 's a pretty secret location and rather difficult to find .


  9. a honeymoon in a secret location What is the exact location of the ship ?


  10. Australian Aborigines played traditional music at a welcoming ceremony before the torch was taken to a secret location .


  11. One of the most popular beliefs is that Hitler himself buried it in a secret location somewhere in Deutschneudorf , Germany .


  12. When they are released , the hostages will be taken to a secret location to be reunited with their families .


  13. The torch is currently in a secret location in Malaysia , ahead of its relay through Kuala Lumpur on Monday .


  14. A CNN reporter was on a government tour of North Korea when he was taken to a secret location to interview each of the Americans .


  15. The Chamber of Secrets was in a secret location that could not be found without knowing secret words . The location had escaped discovery for a thousand years .


  16. The latest one ? A fox cafe . Stevie the Fox will be open for three weeks at a " secret location " from May 25th from 9-6 pm each day .


  17. BP said it would appeal the decision , insisting Mr Dudley remained chief executive and would continue to run the company from a secret location outside Russia until the appeals process had been exhausted .


  18. Before the Internet , dead drops , often used by spies , would involve hiding a written message or package in a secret location or letterbox that only fellow operatives would know about .


  19. At a secret location a smaller balloon will float more than half a mile above the ground pumping water into the atmosphere , so the team can study the impact of spraying particles directly into the atmosphere .


  20. Fans will need to follow Mr Thomlinson on Twitter , and use the # terminustavern hashtag in order to find out the secret location . Season Five of The Walking Dead starts on Monday , October 13 .


  21. According to blogger Chu Zhouxian , who has visited a real interrogation centre at a secret location , the interrogators sit behind a high desk while the chastened official is given a lower than normal chair to reflect the fall from power .


  22. After switching on the Chinese lanterns at world-famous Oxford circus , Li Yuchun will perform in front of a large crowd gathered at a secret London location .
